Astounding Super Seven!
This is really a fantastic stone and an amazing find. Known for its healing properties and its influential effect on psychic abilities ~ imagine what 83 kg of this Super Seven could do! That's the size of an average husband! This piece, like all Super Seven Crystals, is a combination of  Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite. It's dimensions are ~  length 101cm x width 76cm x depth 35cm.  This crystal's country of origin is Brazil.  Follow this link for more information on the properties of Super Seven Crystals.

A few people have asked how I came to be the proud owner of such a Super 7. So I thought I'd add in a bit more of the story behind her.  It was 2004, I was in Brazil looking (of course) for gemstones when I noticed this piece sitting in one of the other miner's collections. I convinced him, he took much convincing, negotiating and I had to go through quite a lot of trouble to buy her, but I did convince him to sell it to me and I happily purchased it and shipped her home.  Back in Canada everybody was surprised, no one had seen a full super seven crystal that big before. I had been very nervous shipping the stone back and had commissioned a special box for it to be shipped in (yes you get this box along with the stone too!). Well, it took a team of delivery men to get it to my front door and with much  understatement my wife just said 'oh wow' when she saw it! It is due  as much to my collector's appreciation as my entrepreneurial spirit that I made the decision to sell the stone. If I kept every stone that I fell in love with I would have millions, horded up about myself. One thing about these kind of gemstones is that they are meant to be shared, so it is my wish that a collector who loves super seven as much as I do wins the auction. Oh yeah, the bird is our Cockatiel, Georgia enjoying the wonderful energy of the stone and an encouraging snack.

Make us your best offer by filling out our bid form below and we will keep you updated. This mega big Super Seven is valued at $15000.



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